1.0.2 - Post Jam Bugfix (for real this time)

Yes, it has only been 22 hours since the last patch. I had to patch the game again because it turned out one of my fixes did not actually work. Now the wave screen buttons should actually disappear, just as I claimed. The fix also had the side effect of fixing wave screen sounds, which were always supposed to play once the wave ended, not after the next wave started.


  • Fixed the wave screen for real this time
  • Fixed sounds on the wave screen


Windows 64 - Dice Duel [Jam + Bugfix] 16 MB
Version 1.0.2 Jul 25, 2022
Windows 32 - Dice Duel [Jam + Bugfix] 16 MB
Version 1.0.2 Jul 25, 2022
Linux 64 - Dice Duel [Jam + Bugfix] 17 MB
Version 1.0.2 Jul 25, 2022
Linux 32 - Dice Duel [Jam + Bugfix] 17 MB
Version 1.0.2 Jul 25, 2022

Get Dice Duel

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